Saturday, August 23, 2008

El viaje a España

Packing a years worth of "shit" isn't easy. It's not easy to pack, not easy to unpack, and even less easy to carry, on your own, 10 thousand kilometers away from where you started. Yeah, we're on the metric system now. But steadily and with luck I made it to España. Which, and it might not be saying much, is the most beautiful place I've seen.

I got to Málaga two nights ago where Rudy the Parisian picked me up from the airport in his safari car. Kindly fellow who spoke broken spanish with a genuine smile and a guttural R. I finally got to my hostel the melting pot- quite fitting for its myriad foreigners and sweltering heat. Actually, all of Spain is that hot. And there's no central air anywhere. But people just deal and don't complain. And it's fine by me.

Málaga is a beautiful city right on the beach. I had a great first night there, went out with some of the guests there and enjoyed the fiestas and ferias that fill the streets with people young an old until the early morning hours.

Now, I am in Granada, and it just keeps getting better. I am staying in the residencia at the university, which isn't too far from the center of town. I have my own room with a perfect view. That's really hard to catch in a photograph.
We are already starting to look for housing with the help of Spanish students and classes start on Monday.

I remember months ago thinking that soon I would be right here, in Spain. But now that I actually am, sometimes I have to stop and remind myself that I actually am. It's hard to believe. My eyes are almost just like little sponges soaking everything in. And enjoying every moment as it hits the ground.

At this moment, I have most currently woken up from a siesta (greatest thing invented ever, unless you want anything from the period of 3-5pm) and have just watched the sun go down over the view from my window of part of the city. Second greatest thing in Spain: tapas. Although I'm questioning my vegetarianism for so far I have had tapas that are made from fried potatoes, baked potatoes, and potatoes asados. But damn do they do it right. Oh, and can't forget the best sangria and olives to boot.

I haven't taken very many pictures, because I'm trying to avoid looking like a tourist at all costs (Especially when traveling in packs of gringos). However in the following weeks we do some actual touristy excursions so then I wont be as reserved. Anywho, everybody I have met here is super nice. And I'm excited for tomorrow and the next day and the next. Miss and love you always,

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Dearest Loves,

Before leaving on Wednesday, I have premeditated how much I will miss all of you. In doing so, and assuming the feeling is mutual, I've decided to create a blog so everyone who wants to can know how I'm doing and we can keep in touch. Oh and If you think you know someone who would want this, feel free to e-mail a link to friends and family.
The good-byes get harder and harder as they come. I hope that everybody knows I'll miss each and everyone of you, and if I didn't get to give a salud and hugs before I left, then here's one big worldwide virtual blogging hug for everyone I missed. But enough with the dramatic good-byes, I'll see you all sooner or later. Love and miss you!

Yours Truly,

Oh, and if the exchanging of words via blog isn't enough for you:

My Skype name is: "Jen.Small." (Don't forget the "." at the end),
And you can send me fan mail at
And finally, my address for the first month until I find permanent housing is this little diddy right here:
Universidad de California
Colegio Mayor Isabel la Católica
C/Rector López Argueta, 8
18001 Granada, SPAIN