Thursday, September 11, 2008

Even after avoiding plate after plate of cured ham, battered and fried mystery meat, and give or take a few random bowls of wiggly dessert, I still somehow managed to get the stomach flu. A three day extravaganza of unnatural bonding between me and my toilet and me and my bed. Sorry to get descriptive.
Anyway during my unavoidable indisposition, I missed out on a few key events like seeing the Alhambra. However I'm not worried I'll make it back there.
Well, that was last week, this is this week. And I'm currently in all good spirits and health. Going on four weeks here in Spain and it feels like I've lived here much longer. A little while ago I found an apartment that I'll be living in the rest of my time here. I got really lucky finding a place and I love my flat. It's on a street called calle Elvira which is a part of the arabic quarter- one of my favorite parts of Granada. The street is lined with tapas bars and tea houses with this overwhelming North African/Middle Eastern vibe. It's almost like being in a different country... wait. Anyway I'm living with 2 Spanish students (guy and a girl) and 1 French girl. They are all super cool and interesting people.
Other than that, life is pretty slow paced in Spain. I often wonder how many hours a day Spaniards actually spend awake. By the time I get myself out of bed on the weekends, the Spanish are ready to take a siesta. And forget doing anything productive on Sundays. Despite the encompassing laziness, we've been on a few excursions to see Garcia Lorca's house, lots of Cathedrals, and on a hike in this place in the Sierras called Cahorros with beautiful 360 views..

Here's one of my professors hitting hard a blend of sherry called 'quita penas' which he claimed really 'takes away the sorrow'. He was in quite good spirits the whole 4 hour journey.

One of my favorite walls of graffiti i've seen in Granada that was on this abandoned shack during our hike

Only a few at a time down this shaky bridge...

The whole lot of us

And a few randoms...

Garden by the Alhambra, kitty I wanted to kidnap.

Laundry day :)

Another beautiful sunset in Granada...

Now, the language program is over and i'll be enjoying a week of freedom in Italia before school starts. More to come...

Love, jen